Mental health awareness provides organisations with a chance to evaluate whether their existing wellbeing support is effective, and whether they could be doing more – for example, is there as much assistance for team members struggling with mental ill health as there is for those with a physical health condition?
What’s the scale of the issue?
- Poor mental health costs UK businesses £56.2billion – around £2,500 per employee per year.
- Almost four in ten people say their health has deteriorated as a result of the pandemic.
- 60% of employers are seeing an increase in common mental health problems among their workforce.
- One in four people will have a mental health problem in their lifetime.
- Burnout is now estimated to impact more than half of employees.
How can wellbeing support make a difference?
- An increased sense of wellbeing can raise productivity by 31% and inspires 59% more loyalty among employees.
- For every £1 spent on mental health training, there’s a £5 return.
- Of all interventions around employee experience, 44% of businesses said concentrating on mental health had the biggest impact.
- More than a third of job seekers consider wellbeing benefits as a priority when deciding whether to join a new company.
- Introducing new wellbeing initiatives improves employee engagement and morale for more than half of business.
And how can you offer cost-effective wellbeing assistance?
In tough financial times, companies are understandably seeking high-value yet low-cost ways to offer wellbeing assistance – thankfully there are plenty on offer, so it’s easy to find something to suit every team and every budget. At Paycare, we’re always on hand to share our top tips – here are just a handful of our recent blogs which may help you on your way to workplace wellbeing success with your employees.
Mental health first aid courses mean there’s always a trained colleague on hand to start difficult conversations, support and signpost their peers, and recognise the potential signs of a wellbeing issue among their team mates.
Find out more about our new partnership with MHFA England accredited First Aid Training provider Kaleidoscope Plus Group here.
It’s important to recognise that wellbeing covers a huge range of topics and – now more than ever – financial wellbeing is a core aspect to focus on within the workforce.
Read our top financial wellbeing tips here.
Health Cash Plans are a pretty traditional offering (in fact, they’ve been our expertise for almost 150 years!) but they really have adapted with the times, and they’re more relevant – and valuable – than ever.
Find out why that’s our view here.
Showing genuine appreciation for employees is, of course, a crucial way to encourage productivity, loyalty, and positive feelings at work.
We shared eight ways to show your appreciation here.
And if you’re looking for even more ways to encourage happiness at work:
You can find our useful top tips round-up is here.
For more information, support and top tips on ways to take care of your team, head to our Workplace Wellbeing Blog 💚