Travel vaccinations, for example, can protect you against a number of diseases found in other parts of the world, and while some are included free on the NHS (such as diphtheria, polio and tetanus) the following are most likely subject to charge:
hepatitis A or B
typhoid fever
yellow fever
Yellow Fever is one of the most common paid-for vaccinations administered prior to travel, and according to the NHS, one single dose can cost an average of £60**.
The cost of travelling can be expensive in itself, but when you need to get yourself covered against diseases, fevers and viruses – or indeed the whole family – the cost of vaccinations and inoculations can certainly add up.
As a Paycare policyholder, you can protect yourself and your family against illnesses by claiming back 100% of the costs spent on vaccination and inoculations up to the appropriate maximum entitlement available in the benefit year for your chosen premium level.
For our Additions policyholders, you can check your welcome letter to see if this is the chosen addition by your employer.
To find out more about the levels of cover which might suit you and yours, your family’s, or your business’s needs, please get in touch with a member of the Paycare team on 01902 371000.
*Boots |
**NHS |